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Раздел "События и происшествия"
Article Text
Diversity is Our Strength

Who needs borders?  Article Text
Article Text
Salim Mansur - The UK 2019 Election and What it Means for Canada

While Boris Johnson may not be properly grouped into that class of populist leaders like a Trump, Orbán, or Farage his recent reelection and resultant resounding majority in Parliament has captured the resentment most voters in that nation have towards the elites who have denied them the break from the EU they demanded in 2016. Salim Mansur, Professor Emeritus at Western University, joins Robert Vaughan to discuss the election and how it might portend a bright future for Canada`s own populist People`s Party...  Article Text
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Globalist lobby: Canada needs 65 million MORE people by 2100 | Ezra Levant

On last night`s episode of The Ezra Levant Show, we looked at a recent video from the Trudeau-approved Century Initiative advocating for the Canadian population to hit 100 million by 2100...  Article Text
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The Annals of Lunacy - Slowly We Inch...

I describe a few recent cases stemming from the abyss of infinite darkness...  Article Text
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The LIBERAL case for western separatism

Western separatism is back, and it started right after Justin Trudeau`s reelection on Monday night...  Article Text
Article Text
Canadian Election: What It Means!

Stefan Molyneux of Freedomain breaks down the hidden facts and realities behind the Liberal win in the 2019 Canadian election...  Article Text
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It’s unbelievable

The Globe and Mail and other media revealed last night that the Conservative Party paid Warren Kinsella’s consulting firm to wage a covert campaign to discredit the People’s Party...  Article Text
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